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February 1, 2005 Commission Minutes
Gallatin County Commissioner's Journal No. February 1, 2005
County Commission
9:02:42 AM
Chairman Murdock
Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Murdock, Skinner and Vincent, County Attorney Lambert and Acting Clerk to the Board Mary Miller.
9:03:30 AM
Chairman Murdock
There was no public comment on matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:03:57 AM
Commissioner Skinner
Read the consent agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims 2. Approval of County Commission Public Meeting Minutes for January 18, 2005 3. Consideration of Request/Decision for Common Boundary Relocation Exemption for Jones 4. Consideration of Request/Decision for Approval of Common Boundary Relocation Exemption for Charles Kent Brodie 5. Request/Decision for Mortgage Survey Exemption for Halvorsen 6. Contract(s): Mountain Land Rehabilitation Amendment
9:05:07 AM
 There was no public comment
9:05:15 AM
Commissioner Vincent
I move adoption of the consent agenda.
9:05:19 AM
Commissioner Skinner
9:05:20 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:05:27 AM
Chairman Murdock
Board Appointments
9:05:34 AM
Commissioner Vincent
Big Sky Transportation District
9:06:13 AM
 There was no public comment.
9:06:19 AM
Commissioner Skinner
I would move to appoint Courtney Jones to the Big Sky Transportation District.
9:06:25 AM
Commissioner Vincent
9:06:29 AM
 Board discussion
9:06:37 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:06:45 AM
Commissioner Skinner
Gallatin County Planning and Zoning Commission
9:07:16 AM
 There was no public comment.
9:07:21 AM
Commissioner Vincent
I move that Anne Trygstad be reappointed to the Gallatin County Planning and Zoning Commission.
9:07:28 AM
Commissioner Skinner
9:07:38 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:07:41 AM
Commissioner Vincent
Fairview Cemetery Board
9:08:11 AM
 There was no public comment.
9:08:17 AM
Commissioner Skinner
I move to appoint Robert Jones to the Fairview Cemetery Board.
9:08:22 AM
Commissioner Vincent
9:08:26 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:08:31 AM
Commissioner Skinner
Belgrade City-County Planning Board
9:09:11 AM
 There was no public comment.
9:09:20 AM
 Questions and Discussion
9:09:52 AM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
9:11:12 AM
Commissioner Vincent
I would move that Henry Parsons, Michele Corriel, and Martin Klotovich be reappointed to the Belgrade City-County Planning Board and that Gary Atwood be appointed as the at large member upon the recommendation of the Belgrade City-County Planning Board and the Belgrade City Council.
9:11:35 AM
Commissioner Skinner
9:11:39 AM
 Board discussion
9:12:41 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:12:45 AM
Chairman Murdock
Approval of Montana Board of Crime Control Grant Application for Continued Funding of the Freedom from Fear Program
9:12:59 AM
Grants Administrator Larry Watson
9:14:28 AM
 Questions and Discussion
9:15:34 AM
 There was no public comment.
9:15:46 AM
Commissioner Vincent
I move that we approve the application to the Montana Board of Crime Control for continued funding for the Freedom of Fear Program.
9:16:00 AM
Commissioner Skinner
9:16:05 AM
 Board discussion
9:16:18 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:16:21 AM
Chairman Murdock
Approval of Montana Board of Crime Control Grant Application for Continued Funding of the Victim Witness Assistance Program
9:16:33 AM
Grants Administrator Larry Watson
9:17:20 AM
Gloria Edwards, Director, Victim Assistance Program
9:21:08 AM
 Discussion between County Attorney Marty Lambert, the Commission and Gloria Edwards
9:24:01 AM
 There was no public comment.
9:24:12 AM
Commissioner Skinner
I move to approve the Montana Board of Crime Control Grant Application for Continued Funding of the Victim Witness Assistance Program.
9:24:22 AM
Commissioner Vincent
9:24:37 AM
Grants Administrator Larry Watson
9:24:59 AM
 Board discussion
9:26:29 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:26:34 AM
Chairman Murdock
Public Hearing, Consideration and Approval of Addendum to the Buy-Sell Agreement for the Oat Street Property
9:26:48 AM
Randy Kuyath, CAO
Presentation, submitting addendum to Commission
9:28:38 AM
Steve Miller
Comments on behalf of BAM Properties
9:29:10 AM
 Commission comments
9:29:43 AM
Steve Miller
9:32:27 AM
 Discussion between County Attorney Marty Lambert the Commission and Steve Miller
9:36:50 AM
Mark Bergason
Comments on behalf of BAM Properties
9:37:40 AM
 Discussion between County Attorney Marty Lambert and Steve Miller
9:39:32 AM
 Commission comments
9:41:07 AM
 Discussion between Randy Kuyath and the Commission
9:42:22 AM
 There was no public comment.
9:42:46 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and County Attorney Marty Lambert
9:44:40 AM
Commissioner Skinner
Based on the testimony of our County Attorney, the recommendation of the CIP Committee and in the best interest of Gallatin County, I move that we extend the closing date for the buy-sell agreement on Oak Street property until February 15, 2005 at which time the full purchase price shall be due and payed in full.
9:45:07 AM
Commissioner Vincent
9:45:10 AM
 Board discussion
9:47:28 AM
Steve Miller
Requested that the closing date be extended until March 1, 2005.
9:47:53 AM
Commissioner Skinner
I'll move to amend my motion to extend the closing date to March 1, 2005.
9:48:03 AM
Commissioner Vincent
9:48:05 AM
 Board discussion
9:48:15 AM
 Discussion between County Attorney Marty Lambert and the Commission
9:48:55 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:49:24 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
9:49:34 AM
Chairman Murdock
Public Hearing and Consideration of a Request for Preliminary Plat approval for the Lazy J South Major Subdivision
9:49:57 AM
9:55:13 AM
 Reconvene to meeting.
9:55:14 AM
County Planner Randy Johnson
Staff report
10:04:08 AM
 Questions and Discussion
10:06:01 AM
Ed Matos, Bridger Engineers, Inc
Presentation of behalf of the applicants Bostwick Properties, Inc
10:14:11 AM
 Discussion between the Commission, Ed Matos, and County Planner Randy Johnson
10:19:50 AM
David Hughes, Engineer, Sprinkler Technology Design, Inc
Presentation, suggesting changes be made to conditions A-4(f) & (g) and B-14.
10:24:11 AM
Public comment
Fred Fell
10:25:23 AM
 Discussion between the Commission, Fred Fell, and County Planner Randy Johnson
10:26:37 AM
 Closed public comment.
10:26:52 AM
Ed Matos, Bridger Engineers, Inc
Applicant's response.
10:29:06 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and County Planner Randy Johnson suggesting condition B-14 read as follows: The subdivider shall provide an NFPA water supply for fire protection in accordance with the Gallatin County Subdivision Regulations and the Gallatin Canyon Consolidated Rural Fire DIstrict. The subdivider shall obtain written verification from the Gallatin Canyon Consolidated Rural Fire District that the required fire protection water supply system and all related fire safety provisions as requested by Jason Revisky.
10:32:21 AM
Commissioner Skinner
Suggested condition B-6 read as follows: The subdivider shall construct all interior roads as required prior to final plat approval.
10:33:15 AM
 Board discussion
10:34:25 AM
Ed Matos, Bridger Engineers, Inc
10:36:42 AM
 Board discussion
10:38:47 AM
Commissioner Skinner
Finding that the Lazy J South Major Subdivision is in compliance with the Gallatin County Master Plan, the Gallatin Canyon/Big Sky Zoning District Regulations and Subdivision Regulations and that this subdivision has no substancial impact on the primary criteria established by Montana Subdivision and Platting Act Section 76-3-608 and finding that this subdivision is in compliance with the other provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, I move that the Lazy J South Major Subdivision be approved with the conditions suggested by staff the standard conditions and the added conditions with the changes in the following conditions page 7 A-5(f) in the front of that condition put "Where required by building code 2003; and page 7 A-5(g) to strike Professional Engineer and put in properly licensed contractor and B-6 to strike all of section (b) on B-6 and in B-14 on page 10 to strike (Exhibit "B").
10:40:31 AM
 Board discussion
10:41:00 AM
Commissioner Vincent
10:41:09 AM
 Board discussion
10:44:11 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
10:44:27 AM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
Confirmed public comment was closed on Regular agenda Item #7, Continuation on Public Hearing and Consideration of a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the East Gallatin Commercial Center Subdivision.
10:44:57 AM
10:53:34 AM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
Reconvene to meeting. Staff report Public Hearing and Consideration of Request for Final Plat Approval for the Moss Minor Subdivision
10:54:17 AM
 There was no public comment.
10:54:34 AM
Commissioner Vincent
Finding that the Moss Minor Subdivision has met all the conditions required of final plat approval, I move that we grant it.
10:54:44 AM
Commissioner Skinner
10:54:49 AM
 Board discussion
10:54:55 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
10:54:58 AM
Chairman Murdock
Continuation on Public Hearing and Consideration of a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the East Gallatin Commercial Center Subdivision
10:55:09 AM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
Staff report
10:59:16 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Jason Karp
11:02:56 AM
Dave Crawford, Engineer, TD&H, Inc
Comments, submitting East Gallatin Commercial Center recommended conditions for approval labled Exhibit A, Item #7
11:03:23 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Dave Crawford
11:06:00 AM
Don Platisha
PowerPoint Presentation
11:15:08 AM
Dave Crawford, Engineer, TD&H, Inc
Presentation on behalf of applicant Steve Jones
11:23:11 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Dave Crawford
11:29:22 AM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
11:31:42 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Road and Bridge Engineer George Durkin
11:39:28 AM
 Board discussion
11:42:39 AM
Dave Crawford, Engineer, TD&H, Inc
11:43:30 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Dave Crawford
11:45:54 AM
 Board discussion
11:46:23 AM
Chairman Murdock
Suggested changing condition 30 to read as follows: The developer shall cooperate with the City of Belgrade, the Gallatin County Road Department, the Gallatin Airport Authority, and the Montana Department of Transportation for offsite traffic infrastructure requirements for these projects. The traffic improvements shall be approved by the City, County Road Department, Airport Authority and MDOT prior to final plat approval.
11:47:22 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Cecelia Reiner, PC Realty
11:49:20 AM
Chairman Murdock
I am going to move that we approve condition 30 to be included in the future motion if we vote in the whole thing which is our intention that, The developer shall cooperate with the City of Belgrade, the Gallatin County Road Department, the Gallatin Airport Authority, and the Montana Department of Transportation for offsite traffic infrastructure requirements. The traffic improvements shall be approved by the City of Belgrade, Gallatin County Road Department, Gallatin Airport Authority and MDOT prior to final plat approval.
11:50:12 AM
Commissioner Skinner
11:50:18 AM
 Board discussion
11:50:54 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Don Platisha
11:51:31 AM
 Board discussion
11:51:53 AM
County Attorney Marty Lambert
11:52:07 AM
Dave Crawford, Engineer, TD&H, Inc
11:52:37 AM
Chairman Murdock
Withdrew motion
11:53:02 AM
Commissioner Skinner
Withdrew second
11:53:10 AM
Chairman Murdock
New motion that we'll keep the same language, I am not going to read it again for the first sentence and the revised last sentence will state- The traffic improvements shall be approved by the Gallatin County Road Department after consultation with the above mentioned entities prior to final plat approval.
11:53:58 AM
Commissioner Skinner
11:54:04 AM
 Board discussion
11:54:24 AM
 Motion passed unanimously.
11:54:42 AM
Chairman Murdock
I will make a motion that we leave 28 exactly as written- A central sewer system shall be installed for the subdivision.
11:54:56 AM
Commissioner Vincent
11:55:00 AM
 Discussion between the Commission and Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
11:56:14 AM
 Board discussion
11:57:58 AM
Dave Crawford, Engineer, TD&H, Inc
12:01:34 PM
 Discussion between County Attorney Marty Lambert and Dave Crawford
12:04:54 PM
 Motion passed 2:1. Commissioner Skinner opposed.
12:05:07 PM
 Commission comments
12:06:01 PM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
Suggested additional condition 31 read as follows: A storm water mitigation plan designed by a licensed engineer providing for storm water mitigation on each lot shall be submitted to the Gallatin County Environmental Health Department and shall be reviewed and approved by the Health Department in consultation with the Local Water Quality District.
12:06:36 PM
 Questions and Discussion
12:07:41 PM
 Discussion between the Commission and Jason Karp
12:08:49 PM
 Discussion between the Commission and County Attorney Marty Lambert
12:10:10 PM
Dave Crawford, Engineer, TD&H, Inc
12:11:35 PM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
12:12:01 PM
Alan English, Manager, LWQD
12:13:24 PM
County Attorney Marty Lambert
Comments and Advice
12:14:20 PM
 Commission comments
12:15:07 PM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
12:15:23 PM
 Commission comments
12:16:25 PM
 Discussion between the Commission and Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
12:16:39 PM
County Attorney Marty Lambert
Comments and Advice
12:17:58 PM
 Commission comments
12:18:08 PM
Alan English, Manager, LWQD
12:18:49 PM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
Suggested language for condition to read as follows: A storm water mitigation plan designed by a licensed engineer providing for storm water mitigation on each lot shall be provided. The storm water mitigation plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Gallatin County Environmental Health Department in consultation with the Local Water Quality District.
12:19:16 PM
 Commission comments
12:19:28 PM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
Suggested language for condition to read as follows: A storm water mitigation plan designed by a licensed engineer providing for storm water mitigation for the entire project.
12:19:43 PM
Commissioner Skinner
I move to adopt that language.
12:19:44 PM
Commissioner Vincent
12:19:46 PM
Commissioner Skinner
Condition #26.
12:20:13 PM
County Attorney Marty Lambert
12:20:42 PM
 Board discussion
12:20:53 PM
Commissioner Vincent
Suggested amending the motion to read appropriate regulatory agencies.
12:21:26 PM
Commissioner Skinner
I will change it to add the language- appropriate agency.
12:21:36 PM
Commissioner Vincent
In agreement.
12:21:37 PM
County Attorney Marty Lambert
Advice, suggesting "agencies" plural.
12:21:46 PM
 Motion passed unanimously.
12:21:48 PM
 Board discussion
12:23:13 PM
 Discussion between County Attorney Marty Lambert, Dave Crawford and the Commission
12:28:49 PM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
12:28:59 PM
 Commission guestion
12:29:18 PM
Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp
Suggested language for condition as follows: A berm and landscape buffer zone designed by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted for review and approval by the Belgrade Planning Department and installed prior to final plat approval.
12:29:49 PM
Don Platisha
12:30:10 PM
 Discussion between the Commission and Don Platisha
12:32:01 PM
Commissioner Skinner
I would like to move on condition 24, to keep the 4 foot high standard berm and to incorporate Jason's language with a landscape buffer zone and a review committee of the Belgrade Planning Board and to keep in the language of lots 1 through 11.
12:32:23 PM
Chairman Murdock
Questioned a review committee of the Belgrade Planning Board or the Belgrade Planning Office?
12:32:32 PM
Commissioner Skinner
I would go with the Belgrade Planning Office.
12:33:13 PM
Chairman Murdock
12:33:20 PM
Cecelia Reiner, PC Realty
12:34:27 PM
 Board discussion
12:36:08 PM
 Motion passed 2:1. Commissioner Vincent opposed.
12:36:19 PM
 Discussion and Questions
12:37:53 PM
Commissioner Skinner
Finding that the East Gallatin Commerical Center Subdivision is in compliance with the Gallatin County Master and Subdivision Regulations of Gallatin County and finding that the subdivision has no substancial impact on the primary criteria established by the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act Section 76-3-608 and finding that the subdivision is in compliance with the other provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, I move that we approve the East Gallatin Commercial Center Subdivision with staff conditions in the current staff report with the italics and that we include the language already voted on in conditions 24, keeping 25 as is, the new condition 26, the same condition 28 and the new language in condition 30.
12:39:26 PM
Commissioner Vincent
12:39:29 PM
 Board discussion, adding that it is also in compliance with the Belgrade Plan.
12:42:38 PM
 Motion passed unanimously.
12:42:43 PM
Chairman Murdock
Public Hearing and Consideration of an Improvements Agreement for the Spanish Peaks Resort Major Subdivision, Phase 1B and 1C
12:43:06 PM
County Planner Randy Johnson
Staff report, submitting updated Improvements Agreement
12:46:05 PM
 Questions and Discussion
12:47:32 PM
County Attorney Marty Lambert
12:48:52 PM
Steve Brown, Attorney
Presentation on behalf of client's Spanish Peaks Holdings, LLC
12:49:55 PM
 There was no public comment.
12:49:59 PM
 Commission comments
12:50:41 PM
Commissioner Vincent
I move that we approve the Improvements Agreement for Spanish Peaks Resort Phases 1B & 1C, given the letters we've received encouraging us to do so, given the testimony of Randy Johnson, County Planner and given the effort of those that worked on this to develop a comprimise, comments.
12:51:18 PM
Commissioner Skinner
12:51:25 PM
 Board discussion
12:52:44 PM
 Motion passed unanimously.
12:52:49 PM
Chairman Murdock
Public Hearing and Consideration of Final Plat Approval for the Spanish Peaks Resort Major Subdivision, Phase 1B and 1C
12:52:53 PM
County Planner Randy Johnson
Staff report
12:54:04 PM
 Questions and Discussion
12:54:41 PM
Peter Forsch, Spanish Peaks Holdings, LLC
Applicants presentation
12:55:17 PM
 There was no public comment.
12:55:33 PM
Commissioner Vincent
I will to ahead and make a motion that we grant final plat aprpoval for Spanish Peaks Resort development major subdivision Phase 1B & 1C.
12:55:52 PM
Commissioner Skinner
12:55:57 PM
 Board discussion
12:57:14 PM
 Motion passed unanimously.
12:57:58 PM
 There was no pubic comment on matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
12:58:09 PM
 There were no pending resolutions.
12:58:11 PM
 Meeting adjourned.